Healthier SG

With Healthier SG, Singaporeans will have:

  • A choice of your preferred family clinic that will guide you to stay healthy;
  • A customised Health Plan and support you to achieve your health goals;
  • Access to community programmes to help you stay active and healthy.

Under Healthier SG, you can enrol with a Healthier SG-registered clinic, and your family doctor at Pancare Medical will develop a dedicated Health Plan with you. Your Healthier SG family doctor will serve as the first point-of-contact to holistically manage your health.

For residents with chronic conditions

From early 2024, CHAS cardholders enrolled to Healthier SG GP clinics with higher chronic medication needs and bills can opt for the Healthier SG Chronic Tier, where they can enjoy subsidies of up to 87.5% for a selected whitelist of chronic medications similar to those prescribed and subsidised at polyclinics. 

They will also receive subsidies of up to $360 per year for other components of their chronic care, such as consultation and lab tests. 

From early 2024, residents under the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) can use their MediSave to pay the full cost of their treatment at their Healthier SG clinic, without the need for cash co-payment.

Read more about Healthier SG here.


Pre-enrolment Exercise

From May 2023, residents aged 40 and above with chronic illness and who are already seeing us at Pancare Medical for the care of your chronic condition, can pre-enrol. You may check if you can pre-enrol onsite at our clinics.

Healthier SG benefits for pre-enrolled residents will commence from July 2023. 

National Enrolment Programme

From July 2023, the national enrolment programme will begin with Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents who are aged 60 years and above. They will be progressively invited via SMS to enrol to a Healthier SG clinic or polyclinic. SMS invitations will also be sent progressively to those aged 40 to 59 years.

All residents eligible for Healthier SG enrolment have the flexibility to choose any Healthier SG clinic using the HealthHub app.

Benefits from Healthier SG

  1. Free 1st consultation — Upon successful enrolment, your first Health Plan consultation with your chosen clinic will be free. 
  2. Free health points — After completing the onboarding health consultation, you will receive 3,000 Healthpoints (worth $20) through the Healthy 365 app.Healthpoints can be exchanged for vouchers from participating merchants, including NTUC FairPrice vouchers and TransitLink credits.
  3. Health plans — Stay healthy with your personalised health plans.
  4. Chronic Drugs Subsidy — Enjoy higher subsidies with Healthier SG Chronic Tier drugs (from early 2024)
  5. No cash payment — Use your Medisave without any cash co-payment (from early 2024)